5 easy ways to ensure a calmer and happier dog



 August 2021

5 easy ways to ensure a calmer and happier dog   

 What is enrichment?

 Simply put, enrichment is how   we ensure all of our dog’s   mental and physical needs   are being met on a daily   basis. There is no one size   fits all, this is because all   dogs have different breed   needs and different individual   needs too. When it is done   well, enrichment is an   incredibly powerful tool and   can be enough to cause a  reduction in behavioural issues alone. 

What enrichment will my dog enjoy?

What does your dog love to do? Do they get their nose down to the ground and follow a scent trail backwards and forwards without lifting their head up on walks? If so, nose-work based enrichment would be great for them. Or do they love digging up the garden and making holes all over the place? Then a sandpit with toys hidden in it would be great for them.

Most breeds were bred to work and they gain huge enjoyment from doing so. Unfortunately pet dog homes don’t provide many outlets for working instinct so we need to use our imaginations to provide opportunities to express these innate behaviours.

 Will this not make them perform these behaviours even more?

 It is a common   misconception   that if dogs are   encouraged to   perform activities   that they have   drive to do that it   will cause an   increase in these   behaviours in   general.
However, this is not the case; in fact if we regularly provide our dogs with  opportunities to perform these innate behaviours they are less likely to go looking for them in inappropriate places.

What can I give my dog as enrichment?

If you feed your dog from a regular bowl, lose it! Make your dog work for their meals in any number of ways. And this doesn’t have to be two meals a day, weigh out their allowance in the morning and split it into multiple small enrichment opportunities throughout the day.

When dogs sniff, lick and find food their brain releases happy and calming hormones. The more they practice each day the calmer they become over time. In fact dogs enjoy food searches so much that it is even more rewarding to them than actually eating the food! 

Mud Daddy licking mats are great to give when it is our mealtime as it keeps them busy and takes away the desire to beg for our food. Put them in the freezer covered in wet food, dog peanut butter or even mashed banana and they will last much longer!


 Cardboard boxes   and tubes filled   with shredded   paper and treats   are great for dogs   who enjoy   destroying things   around the house   or who get   frustrated easily as   an outlet for their   stress.


And for those that are super   sniffers, scatter feeding and snuffle mats provide an outlet for scent tracking in the safety of your house and garden.

Fur or sheepskin chaser toys are a fantastic outlet for dogs with high prey drives or who grab at times when they become frustrated or excited.

Trick training is also great mental stimulation for dogs of all breeds and ages and is especially beneficial for dogs with low confidence levels as they get a little boost each time they learn a new trick.

To get started with an easy trick, fill a Mud Daddy treat bag with high value food such as chicken, and use a piece of food to lure your dog round in a circle, this is how you teach a spin!


 And for adult dogs with particularly high energy   levels agility and hydro sessions make a change   from the same exercise each day.

 Finally, never underestimate the   power of play! Studies show that   dogs who are played with each day   have lower incidences of   behavioural issues than those 

whose owners don’t regularly   incorporate playtime into their daily routine.

Tug,  ball and even hide and seek are fantastic enrichment activities for humans and dogs alike.

Enrichment doesn’t have to fit a mould, get creative and use your imagination to unleash it’s countless benefits!


If you would like regular training and enrichment tips and information on where to purchase chaser toys please follow my Facebook and Instagram page @rachaelclairedogbehaviour 
Rachael Claire is an IMDT accredited canine Behaviourist offering remote sessions covering many aspects of dog behaviour – www.rachaelclairedogbehaviour.co.uk